Sunday, August 2, 2015

Another shohin

I got this small Itoigawa juniper in 2010. It was an imported raw material prepared in a commonly seen spiral shaped style. When I got it it was potted in a big plastic box so the first thing to do was to look at the roots and plant it into a smaller pot.

Ta mali briček sem dobil leta 2010. Gre za dokaj standarden uvožen material iz vzhodne Azije. Pri takem materialu so značilne spiralno oblikovane veje. Ko sem ga dobil, je bil še posajen v večjo plastično posodo in prva stvar, ki sem jo naredil je bilo presajanje v manjšo posodo.

Later that year I have done the first styling. Removing all unnecessary branches, turning them into jins and positioning the main branches. Still pretty roughly.

Kasneje istega leta sem ga prvič oblikoval. Vse odvečne veje sem spremenil v jine in grobo sem usmeril bodoče glavne veje.

After two years of rest and free growth I did the second styling this time more detailed. I repoted it again into a smaller pot to reduce the root ball.

Po dveh letih proste rasti sem ga ponovno oblikoval. Tokrat že nekoliko bolj detajlno. Prav tako sem ga ponovno presadil, da sem še nekoliko zmanjšal koreninsko grudo.

In 2013 a rather big branch at the top died for some reason so I removed all the wire and let the juni grow freely again. 
Since the tree was doing very well and because I needed the previous pot I repotted it again this spring. And now a few weeks back it recieved its main styling.  

Leta 2013 je izgubil nekoliko pomembnejšo vejo na vrhu. Zaradi tega sem odstranil vso žico z drevesa in ga ponovno pustil prosto rasti.
Ker si je brinček do pomladi 2015 že zelo opomogel sem ga ponovno presadil in nekoliko spremenil kot. Pred nekaj tedni pa sem ga prvič v nulo oblikoval.

I must say I am very happy with the development and the overall outcome. 

Moram reči, da sem zelo zadovoljen z napredkom in končno podobo drevesa.

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